Tag Archive: Europe

Announcing my Next Tour, Merry Christmas!

The bright little lights sparkle all the way down the row of tidy stalls. They seem sharper in the cold winter air. Look above the row to see the dignified old buildings of… Continue reading

What I Found in Luxembourg

I wasn’t sure about Luxembourg. I enjoyed it as a largely clueless tourist, but would it satisfy the discerning Europhile I had in mind for a tour member? I’ve lived in and love… Continue reading

Why Rotterdam?

People ask me that a lot, and I’m never sure how to answer. Partially, there are so many reasons to love this city, I have to choose where to start for that person.… Continue reading

A Coincidence for Day 7

The Luxembourgians may have seen it as a free vacation. They needed one in the heady days of 2007, when the surging European Union was adding two more countries, expanding the cooperation that… Continue reading

What is Benelux? (And why you should go there)

When I mention my tour of Benelux, people sometimes ask “What is that?” This is understandable, since Benelux, like Holland, is not on any map, even though most of the people asking the… Continue reading

Climbing into Winter on Day 6

Romania is a place of endless human stories, kings and autocrats and invaders and defenders and the people caught up in all of it. But the day after walking on a church’s rampart… Continue reading

A European Quiz

I went into the nice European restaurant and asked for a table for one. Or two, that’s fine, the question at the end of this has nothing to do with how many people… Continue reading

Timisoara is Calling

On that late September day in Timisoara, summer had dumped the last of its heavy heat into the afternoon hours, like the hardest teacher who surprises you with a brutal final exam. But… Continue reading

My Favorite Part of Day 1

I love to hear different languages overlapping in the summer air. In Bucharest on Day One of this year’s Romania tour, the languages were varied and the air was nice and toasty, like… Continue reading

European spring 2022

The night before my first tour of Europe after two years of covid-enforced sabbatical, I wrote a post about the energy filling my mind and rattling through my body. But then I took… Continue reading