Category Archive: Thailand

Sorry Tripadvisor

After weeks in Vietnam, talking too much with other tourists, I jumped at the invitation to join a local for dinner. I was the only identifiably foreign face in the crowd gathered around… Continue reading

Different Holiday, Same Message

My favorite part of Thailand’s Loy Krathong festival wasn’t the enormous street market the first night, though the long rows of artwork, clothing, and sparkly souvenirs that filled the core of Chiang Mai’s… Continue reading

Buckets of vodka and breasts like weapons

I was young until I went to Ko Phi Phi. I was young with cups of čai on Turkish wharves, and the same when I danced in Lithuanian discotheques. But faced with buckets… Continue reading

5 minute walk to reach Bangkok

The minds behind The Hangover II were clever. I don’t necessarily mean that in terms of content, since one could debate whether unknowing/drunken sex with a transgender* prostitute is a manifestation of the… Continue reading

My favorite menu

What the hell is a slider? Not in baseball, I know that answer, but in food. I thought it was a sandwich. According to my search on the interweb just now, it sometimes… Continue reading

Pics of my newest candidate for Favorite City: Kuala Lumpur

I stayed on Ko Phi Phi for two full days, three nights…and that island was dreadful.   Well, it would have been great when I was 18-23, then I would have fit in… Continue reading

Tiger Temple…oh, THAT’s it.

I counted 211 steps down from the top of the kitschy Tiger Temple. With a spackling of bird crap about every other flight of stairs, 8 steps per flight, that’s roughly 13 crap… Continue reading

Tiger Temple…is that it?

I felt like a jerk even as I asked the question. “How do I get to ‘Tiger Temple’ and is it worth it?”   I didn’t mean to sound like that guy. The… Continue reading