Category Archive: humor

AFD: A candidate we can believe in

There are times to be pragmatic. We call these General Elections. And there are times to be idealistic, hopeful, and optimistic. We call these primaries.   So this primary season, I am supporting,… Continue reading

Sign language

So I’m riding down the street yesterday, right-hand lane like I’m supposed to, directly over the big puffy-paint bicyclist symbol that tells reminds cars that bicycles have a right to exist in three… Continue reading

Not quite fitting in, in Paris

Paris came out to greet the sun with soft flapping of silky fabric, straps of sandals wound round subtle calves, and spaghetti straps barely loitering over aphrodite shoulders. Linen garments drift where swells… Continue reading

How to save the world and rock out at the same time

Plastic buttons could only click monotonously in flimsy “guitars”, and the rubbery cables were silent, yet the normally apathetic television emitted all the passionate rock ballad wails and foot-twitching beats of as many… Continue reading