Monthly Archive: January, 2015

Cambodian cleansing, and, Feelgood Fridays

Tuol Sleng left a stain and a weight on my spirit, but just as Cambodia was home to this darkness, it also held the cure. The natural beauty of the land cleansed my heart… Continue reading

The darkness we all share, at Tuol Sleng, Cambodia

I don’t want to talk about this. I want to tell you about the color of the water at Kep, the hammock that swayed by the waves which slid on a day that… Continue reading

Chi Phat, Cambodia. It ain’t New York or Miami.

Of course we would see Angkor Wat and the Killing Fields. Of course. But that list reminded me of “I’ve seen America. I went to New York and Miami.” Ssssure, those are part… Continue reading

Does altruism exist?

Is there such a thing as altruism? It’s an old question, with a contact high from so many dorm room debates and jittery after too much time in coffee shops, but I’m wondering… Continue reading

A Phnom Penh New Year’s Eve

The sun never rose on our Monday, the calendar curtailed by humans’ clock cooperation, so Tuesday felt fifty hours old by the time we found the back end of dinner in Phnom Penh.… Continue reading

Why Cambodia? Why anywhere?

“Cambodia? Why would you want to go there?” asked a surprising number of people. The question baffled me at first, after all, one need not know very much about the country to understand… Continue reading

Guest Post: The Killing Fields

You know how you sometimes find pieces of fabric sticking out of the ground? Oftentimes it’s the remnant of some long-forgotten weed barrier creeping its way slowly back out of the earth. Others… Continue reading

Travel Questions

Ah, the particular questions of traveling. “What should I wear tomorrow?” is rarely worth asking, even less right now so since I’ll spend the whole day in a chair. This won’t be that… Continue reading