Monthly Archive: January, 2014

Soothing scraping on a Peruvian morning

The party people from Lima were still sleeping it off, or maybe they had just gone to bed, so I was alone at breakfast in San Bartolo, on the coast of Peru. A… Continue reading

(Mis)judgments in the Andes

The street dogs were humping outside the five star boutique hotel in Cuzco. I’d run out the door of my own funky hostel without brushing my teeth, but luckily the numerous (and bored)… Continue reading

Making friends and witnesses in Cuzco

Normally being forced to walk an unnecessary U might annoy me, but not in the Cuzco airport, where the circuitous walkway is lined with plate glass windows that display the verdant Andean mountainsides,… Continue reading

Peru, why you no let me esleep?

Peru Peru Peru, why you no let me esleep mi amor   You know last night before departure it is not good for esleep I am too essited and the next Night maybe… Continue reading

Departure Day

Then there’s no more time to try and remember what I’m forgetting, it’s time to run to the station. If I forgot it, it’s forgotten. No time to pet the cat. Say goodbye… Continue reading

Sometimes there’s dance in the current.

Tonight is penultimate night’s eve, 48 hours from now I’ll be surrounded by people trying to sleep on a red-eye flight to Mexico City, too bored with the miracle of flight to look… Continue reading

Why I travel

Take me back. Take me back to rotting garbage on dirty streets, where water is a luxury and stink a certainty. I want to feel unwashed and threadbare sheets on hard beds, and… Continue reading

The agony and the ecstasy.

I can’t believe it’s still like this, after all this time. In another of the contrasts and contradictions of human existence, the thing that gives me so much ecstasy, travel, insists on bringing… Continue reading

Finally reaching 2014

Everyone knows Valentine’s Day is a hellscape orchestrated to torture unsuspecting boyfriends (with sharp collateral damage for girlfriends), where the pressure to have a magical night is a self-sabotaging prophecy.   And it… Continue reading